First bit:

The professional side of things continues to go well. Very well, in fact. And it makes me grin when I think of it. I’ve recently listened through the first draft of the pilot episode that will launch the new children’s radio show for which I’ve been cast. It’s sounding great so far – great story premise, great creativity throughout, imaginative writing, and a cast full of great voice actors (and I’m making no comment there about my own skill, merely highlighting the fabulous voice talents with whom I get to share space on the cast list). And have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE my character? She’s wonderfully fun. Sweet, intelligent, good-humored, kind-hearted, and strong. (In my mind’s eye, she’s rather like a cross between Disney’s Belle and Rapunzel…or maybe that’s just my own perception based on a subconscious wish to somehow actually become a Disney princess.) And I’m doubly happy to share that the second episode (for which I’ll soon be recording) will be my first lead role in the series. I’ll post more info regarding the program – and my character’s role in it – as soon as I can!

Second bit:

I’m currently playing the part of Ellen in a LibriVox dramatic reading of Wuthering Heights, and as such, I’m getting loads of practice speaking with a (somewhat understated) Yorkshire accent…or at least my attempt at one. And I’m thrilled about it. (Though I’ve not been able to get much practice or work in for several days, as I’ve been extremely under the weather with a nasty sore throat, and lost my voice for a few days…which is never a fun thing, in general, but really never a fun thing for a voice actor.) One particularly great element of this role is that I actually get to narrate a good portion of the novel…as Nelly is a tad bit, shall we say, long-winded in her storytelling. Makes for a great dialect workout! I often go in my mind to Joanne Froggatt’s character in Downton Abby. Now, if I could get my voice to do that…well! (But considering that she’s actually from North Yorkshire, I might be aiming pretty high in trying to emulate her.) No matter. Must keep practicing, if I want to get it as close as I can to right!

Wishing a very lovely day to any and all who read this!