I’ve finally finished recording, editing, and uploading my lines for the current LibriVox dramatic reading of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I’m reading the role of Felix De Lacey. It’s always a challenge to read for a character that requires a specific accent and dialect…having to focus in on that, as well as emotion and expression, truly inhabiting that character and bringing him or her to life through the lines (no matter how many – or few – lines there are). 😉

And it’s an even greater challenge for me when that character I’m portraying is a masculine character. I appreciate that challenge. Especially when having to focus in on deeper tonality. A good vocal workout, that.

This role was especially interesting because I only had a few lines with which to make him believable…and I had to do so with a French accent. But not only a French accent…an accent with a small hint of either Swiss or German beneath it! (As the De Lacey family are originally from France, but – as the story takes place – are living in a small cottage in the Swiss Alps, I wanted to make his voice a bit more…er…layered.) I love the challenge of little details like that.

I’m not quite sure if I accomplished what I set out to do with voicing his character. But I like the result, all the same. And the process was a good one.

And now, off I go again to the sound booth. Time for more recording!

Have a lovely evening, all.